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Jumat, 20 Oktober 2017


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Product details

File Size: 2700 KB

Print Length: 256 pages

Publisher: Signal Books; 1st Edition edition (February 16, 2012)

Publication Date: February 16, 2012

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#1,332,309 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)





Kamis, 19 Oktober 2017

Free Download Godforsaken: Bad Things Happen. Is there a God Who Cares? Yes. Here's proof.

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Godforsaken: Bad Things Happen. Is there a God Who Cares? Yes. Here's proof.

Godforsaken: Bad Things Happen. Is there a God Who Cares? Yes. Here's proof.

Godforsaken: Bad Things Happen. Is there a God Who Cares? Yes. Here's proof.

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Godforsaken: Bad Things Happen. Is there a God Who Cares? Yes. Here's proof.

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Audible Audiobook

Listening Length: 9 hours and 13 minutes

Program Type: Audiobook

Version: Unabridged

Publisher: christianaudio.com

Audible.com Release Date: April 6, 2012

Language: English


Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

Dines D'Souza is a good writer, and makes many good points in this book.There is a fundamental flaw in his argument, however. I do not agree with D'Souza that everything that has ever occurred or will ever occur happens according to God's will. In other words, bad things do not happen because it is God's will that they happen.Theodicy is much easier if we take the biblical story at face value. Lucifer rebelled against God, humans followed suit, and our suffering is a direct result of his and our rebellion. As David Bentley Hart, put it, "As for comfort, when we seek it, I can imagine none greater than the happy knowledge that when I see the death of a child I do not see the face of God, but the face of His enemy."A second point I would like to make is that, as a scientist, I find it risky to make sweeping theological statements based on scientific theories. The biggest, most obvious problem is that even highly regarded scientific theories can be undone over the course of a generation or two. Another problem is that, while the anthropic principle and the fine-tuning of the universe may point us to God's wisdom and creative power, we must go to the Bible to understand the metaphysical (as opposed to mechanistic) "why" behind the suffering caused by natural disasters.Ultimately, D'Souza's book is another spin on the old argument that suffering exists because this is the best universe God could possibly create; this argument places the blame for suffering squarely on God. The God I serve is greater than this by far--my God created a perfect universe which has been destroyed by selfishness, and He has promised to restore the universe to a perfect state once again and eliminate suffering for eternity.

Good read. I really like the insight Dinesh D'Sousza provides. I have read several of his books and have enjoyed each one.

For a lot of people, the biggest question about God is not, surprisingly enough, whether he exists. Instead, it is about whether God is truly good. Dinesh D'Souza, in his debates with leading atheists, quickly realized that many of those debates revolved around the question of evil in this world--how God could create a world that allowed such suffering and evil. In Godforsaken, Dinesh D'Souza takes these questions head on: Does God act like a tyrant? Is God really responsible for the evil in this world? Why is there suffering in the world? For the first time ever, Dinesh D'Souza approaches this topic with historical and scientific proof and presents to the reader why God is truly worthy of our worship and love.Godforsaken was a carefully researched book that really spoke to both the intellectual and emotional side of any person, Christian or otherwise. Dinesh D'Souza broke his book into six parts. The first part is an introduction to the reality of suffering in this world and how all people groups everywhere at some point both experience and struggle with suffering and evil. The second part quickly yet thoroughly analyzes the typical Christian and atheist both approach the conundrum of how a good God can exist and yet the reality that there is evil and suffering in this world. This part also shows how each Christian and atheist argument is flawed and cannot truly satisfy people's questions about evil and suffering. The third part addresses the moral evils that exist in this world as pertains to both people's free will, God's sovereignty, and the consequences of a fallen world. The fourth part of Godforsaken looks at the crimes that occur in nature and how those relate to the power and character of God. The fifth part deeply analyzes the character of God and how the evil and suffering in the world do not contradict the characteristics of God or lead to the conclusion that a loving God does not exist. Finally, the book concludes in the sixth part by emphasizing that we are not godforsaken, but rather, loved and ultimately saved by the God of mercy and grace.Godforsaken is written in a way that is both enjoyable and stimulating. I was able to understand what the author was saying and still think critically about whether or not I agreed with his points. I liked D'Souza's organization of the book and his liberal use of quotes, research, and his experiences to drive home and complement what he was saying. I also appreciated his critique of atheist arguments about God and suffering, and his inclusion of his own experiences debating with world renowned atheists.Overall, I thought Godforsaken was well written, organized, intellectually stimulating, and one of the best arguments and discussion on God, evil, and suffering that I have ever read. I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants an intellectual yet emotionally resounding explanation of evil and suffering.

good arguments against the atheists

"God Forsaken" by Dinesh D'Souza is a brilliant read. I chose to read it as part of Tyndale House Publisher's summer reading program--an opportunity to earn free books! But I'm so thankful for this prompting. I loved this book!The book has multiple purposes, clearly noted throughout and summarized in the concluding chapter. (My high school English teacher would have loved D'Souza's perfect research paper presentation skills. I know I appreciated them; they made the flow of his ideas so easy to follow. But that's beside the point. The content of this book is incredible.)Simply put, D'Souza comprehensively and systematically tackles all of the atheist arguments against the existence of God while also helping Christians understand why bad things happen to good people and how to cope with the resulting suffering all within the pages of one 13 chapter book. He refutes the arguments of atheists such as Nietzsche and Hawking while expanding upon the thoughts of C.S. Lewis and other great Christian thinkers who have written on this topic. His research is thorough and his personal ideas are clear. (He lost me for a little while at the beginning of Chapter 10, but then came at his point from another angle and brought me on board again.)Those who enjoy absorbing new thoughts on these continuing debates, the existence of God and the problem of suffering, will most definitely want to read D'Souza's new book.



I am an Apologist and have read all of D'Souza's work as he is one of todays best. "God Forsaken" is stunning in it's theodicy.D'Souza offers great insight into the Atheist worldview. He explains why most became or are nonbelievers.He draws from the many debates he has had against the greats and gives insight into the major issues they raise time and again.Special attention is paid to; Why would a loving God allow pain and suffering?You will devour the book in hours. I really did love it.

Godforsaken: Bad Things Happen. Is there a God Who Cares? Yes. Here's proof. PDF
Godforsaken: Bad Things Happen. Is there a God Who Cares? Yes. Here's proof. EPub
Godforsaken: Bad Things Happen. Is there a God Who Cares? Yes. Here's proof. Doc
Godforsaken: Bad Things Happen. Is there a God Who Cares? Yes. Here's proof. iBooks
Godforsaken: Bad Things Happen. Is there a God Who Cares? Yes. Here's proof. rtf
Godforsaken: Bad Things Happen. Is there a God Who Cares? Yes. Here's proof. Mobipocket
Godforsaken: Bad Things Happen. Is there a God Who Cares? Yes. Here's proof. Kindle

Godforsaken: Bad Things Happen. Is there a God Who Cares? Yes. Here's proof. PDF

Godforsaken: Bad Things Happen. Is there a God Who Cares? Yes. Here's proof. PDF

Godforsaken: Bad Things Happen. Is there a God Who Cares? Yes. Here's proof. PDF
Godforsaken: Bad Things Happen. Is there a God Who Cares? Yes. Here's proof. PDF

Selasa, 10 Oktober 2017

Free PDF How to Think Like a Great Graphic Designer, by Debbie Millman

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How to Think Like a Great Graphic Designer, by Debbie Millman

How to Think Like a Great Graphic Designer, by Debbie Millman

How to Think Like a Great Graphic Designer, by Debbie Millman

Free PDF How to Think Like a Great Graphic Designer, by Debbie Millman

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How to Think Like a Great Graphic Designer, by Debbie Millman


"Debbie Millman and her interviewees conspire brilliantly to map the best thought and practice in the world of design." -- Grant McCracken, Research Affiliate, Convergence Culture Consortium (C3), MIT"Offers outsiders a rare glimpse into the minds of designers. Millman gets such interesting interviews out of her subjects." -- Core 77"A delightful opportunity to eavesdrop on some of the most curious and creative minds of our time." -- Malcolm Gladwell, author, The Tipping Point and Blink"A journey to discover the motivations, ambitions and frustrations of successful designers working hard in a volatile profession." -- Communication Arts"Anyone who struggles daily to create great work will be inspired and encouraged by these intimate glimpses into remarkable minds." -- Joyce Rutter Kaye, editor-in-chief, Print magazine

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About the Author

Debbie Millman has worked in the design business for more than twenty-five years. She is president of the design division at Sterling Brands. She has been there for nearly fifteen years and in that time she has worked on the redesign of global brands for Pepsi, Procter & Gamble, Colgate, Nestle, and Hasbro. Millman is President of the AIGA, the largest professional association for design in the world. She is a contributing editor at Print Magazine, a design writer at FastCompany.com, and co-founder and chair of the Masters in Branding program at the School of Visual Arts in New York City. Her books are How to Think Like a Great Graphic Designer, The Essential Principles of Graphic Design, Look Both Ways: Illustrated Essays on the Intersection of Life and Design, and Brand Thinking and Other Noble Pursuits. She lives in New York City.

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Product details

Paperback: 248 pages

Publisher: Allworth; 1st edition (October 30, 2007)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1581154968

ISBN-13: 978-1581154962

Product Dimensions:

6 x 0.7 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 14.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.0 out of 5 stars

28 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#317,363 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

You get a glimpse of the diversity of personalities that have made a name for themselves in design. The book, like many others have noted, has misleading title. But it piqued my interest like it was intended to. I'm glad I came across it mainly because it is a breath of fresh air,taking the focus off design technique and allowing one to understand the context of field of graphic design better. You get a little history and a little insight into common struggles facing designers. I wasn't wild about Millman's interviewing. I recommend "creativity" by mihaly Csikszentmihalyi if you like this book's style.

The title is a little misleading and might make you think it's a weird how to/recipe book for aspiring designers.It's none of that. It's actually an excellent collection of interviews with top designers. They answer questions in a honest, open way.And their experience is too valuable to miss.Read it and keep it to read again as your career progresses.

Misleading title. This is just interviews of successful designers. For similar content read Tim Ferris’ Tools of Titans.

Love this book! It would be 5 stars but how far off the title is from what the book actually is lost it a star. This will not teach you to think like a graphic designer. However if your a graphic designer it's like learning our history straight from the heroes who were there. I love these interviews so much. This book is just fantastic!

Debbie never disappoints. Her ability to interview people is sometimes mesmerizing. The diversity of the book content is also great to see too. Worth every penny.

I'm new to the field of graphic design, so I hadn't heard of any of these designers before, but I loved their various approaches to the field and beautiful remarks on life, love, and success. Debbie Millman does an outstanding job of interviewing and probing in the right places. It's inspired me to not only delve more deeply into the field of graphic design, but also to possible write a book with a similar format one day.

As a fan of Debbie Millman's podcast, I love having these interviews in writing to go back to for inspiration.

This book has been very inspirational to me. I finished within a few days. It's not only about or for graphic designers. They interviewers touch on design of course, but also philosophy, religion, anecdotes for life and everything in between.

How to Think Like a Great Graphic Designer, by Debbie Millman PDF
How to Think Like a Great Graphic Designer, by Debbie Millman EPub
How to Think Like a Great Graphic Designer, by Debbie Millman Doc
How to Think Like a Great Graphic Designer, by Debbie Millman iBooks
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How to Think Like a Great Graphic Designer, by Debbie Millman Kindle

How to Think Like a Great Graphic Designer, by Debbie Millman PDF

How to Think Like a Great Graphic Designer, by Debbie Millman PDF

How to Think Like a Great Graphic Designer, by Debbie Millman PDF
How to Think Like a Great Graphic Designer, by Debbie Millman PDF

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