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Download Re-Made in the USA: How We Can Restore Jobs, Retool Manufacturing, and Compete With the World, by Todd Lipscomb

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Re-Made in the USA: How We Can Restore Jobs, Retool Manufacturing, and Compete With the World, by Todd Lipscomb

Re-Made in the USA: How We Can Restore Jobs, Retool Manufacturing, and Compete With the World, by Todd Lipscomb

Re-Made in the USA: How We Can Restore Jobs, Retool Manufacturing, and Compete With the World, by Todd Lipscomb

Download Re-Made in the USA: How We Can Restore Jobs, Retool Manufacturing, and Compete With the World, by Todd Lipscomb

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Re-Made in the USA: How We Can Restore Jobs, Retool Manufacturing, and Compete With the World, by Todd Lipscomb

From the Inside Flap

America is in decline. Manufacturing jobs in the United States have fled for cheaper pastures, and the chances of a full recovery to our former glory are dim. The experts' belief that a service-based economy could sustain it has proven ill-advised, as Americans have experienced the ease with which these positions are terminated, only to be replaced with fewer and lower-paying jobs. China now funds much of federal government debt, and the nation now finds itself at China's mercy. And yet, isthere a silver lining on the doomsday cloud? Re-Made in America outlines the very real obstaclesthat have been placed in America's path to recovery.Yet, it also spells out the weaknesses that could undo China and the strengths that could save the United States. Upon closer inspection, China's advantages are unethical at best and appear to be unsustainable as well. Their success relies on low labor costs, no environmental policing, low (or no) product and worker safety costs, and currency manipulation that values the yuan at 40 percent below its worth, among other disreputable means of getting ahead. America, on the other hand, possesses a diverse and empowered workforce, greater entrepreneurial opportunities, and proximity to the most important customer base on the planet, which improves response time to customers' demands and lessens the huge environmental impact of oceanic cargo transport. Re-Made in America lays out a blueprint to get the nation back on track. As citizens, consumers, and business owners, Americans can take a number of actions to revive the great industriousness on which this country was built: Commit to buying American-made productsInfluence people to join you in this effort, and pressure retailers to follow suitUse your voice and your vote to encourage local, state, and federal governments to do what they can to attract and retain manufacturing jobsFocus business goals on the long-term payoff that comes from keeping jobs stateside rather than on short-term gains that might come from shipping operations abroad Ultimately, America's fate is in its own hands. America's future is on the decline, but it doesn't have to be that way. Americans have a choice between doing nothing, and doing what they do best—rolling up their sleeves and working hard to fix it.

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From the Back Cover

PRAISE FOR RE-MADE IN THE USA "Todd Lipscomb is talking about issues every single Americanneeds to be aware of and act on today. Every one of us, regardless ofage, race, gender, or political affiliations, is affected by the current tradeimbalance. Lipscomb's unique experience as an executive ininternational markets allows him to share no-nonsense information andsolutions that put the future of the United States back in your hands." —Ed Schultz, MSNBC Television and nationally syndicated radio host "Todd Lipscomb has done a great deal to advance the Buy American cause with his online store of American-made products. His book is the next step and deserves a serious look from those who value supporting American producers that employ American workers." —Roger Simmermaker, author of How Americans Can Buy American: The Power of Consumer Patriotism "In the past quarter century, America has turned to seeking profit atany cost thanks to the greed of many of our multinational corporations.We Americans are the world's largest consumer economy. Because of unfairtrade policies, we import most of what we consume from countries where health, safety, and labor conditions are often like slavery by Americanstandards. I fully support Todd Lipscomb's efforts to supportsmall, family-owned American manufacturers." —Joe Allen, retired apparel manufacturer, retailer, and business consultant

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Product details

Hardcover: 234 pages

Publisher: Wiley; 1 edition (April 12, 2011)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0470929928

ISBN-13: 978-0470929926

Product Dimensions:

6.1 x 0.9 x 9.1 inches

Shipping Weight: 15.2 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

3.8 out of 5 stars

12 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#1,810,265 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

I purchased this book upon the recommendation that a fellow passenger offered during a recent plane ride. This person described it as a spot-on analysis of America's economic woes and a great guide as to the solutions that we can put into practice. However, as I read the book myself, I discovered that this passenger had been dead wrong in his description of the book.Mr. Lipscomb can preach all he wants--and he does so again and again throughout the book--that, regardless of our race, sex, religious beliefs or political leanings, we must follow his lead to save the US economy by taking action to preserve and restore manufacturing jobs in America. Yet, his analysis of how we arrived at our current situation lays the blame squarely at the feet of the usual suspects from the political Left's perspective. "Wal-Mart and other companies of its ilk" are heavily impugned throughout, and Mr. Lipscomb even stoops to the level of reporting heresay without backing: "Wal-Mart employees are afraid to speak out publicly for fear of retribution, (but) behind closed doors they say that they do not make enough money to either support their families or pay for Wal-Mart's expensive health care." Mr. Lipscombe implores us to write to Congress and demand that our anti-Wal-Mart voices be heard. He warns that it'll be tough, given the large amount of money that Wal-Mart has in buying influence in Washington, D.C. But he exhorts us to "lock arms with (him) and take the fight (against Wal-Mart) to Washington." So, that's the answer, eh? Drive Wal-Mart out of business and the US economy will be saved?Nowhere are the political Left's sacred cows ever mentioned as possible causes of the decline of US manufacturing. Labor unions (which have detrimentally inflated wages and benefits for unskilled and semi-skilled American labor) are not mentioned at all--and in fact Mr. Lipscomb even goes as far as to declare that high American wages are not the problem, that Americans can still enjoy higher wages as long as we push for "a worldwide minimum wage, one that is likely well below the USA standard today, but ensures some level of basic living standard in other countries." Sorry to rain on your party, Mr. Lipscomb, but the equivalent of two US dollars a day does equate to better than basic living standards in much of the world. Indeed, the notion of a "worldwide minimum wage" and tying US living standards to those of nations around the world is pure misguided fantasy, and not worth the paper upon which it is printed--and definitely not the $17.99 that I paid for this book! Mentioned nowhere in the book is the exorbitantly high corporate tax rate in the US. Somewhat mentioned are the too-strict federal government regulations and restrictions on businesses that attempt to manufacture in the US, but Mr. Lipscomb frames this in the context that we must demand that the rest of the world adopt our standards and restrictions "to level the playing field." Again, not likely.The entire book seems to be based upon his distaste for Wal-Mart, coupled with his wish that the rest of the world become more like the US, despite that he himself states in the book that nobody wants to become like us because we are in what he describes as such steep economic decline. Quite a dilemma you've created for yourself, eh Mr. Lipscomb? I suppose he believes that all other nations should strive to become just like the US--minus the existence of Wal-Mart.And, if there were still any lingering doubt as to Mr. Lipscomb's political leanings, his section regarding "What the Federal Government Can Do" cinches it. Rather than suggesting lowering corporate taxes or implementing tax credits for manufacturing in the US, or the relaxing or removing of various regulations and restrictions that prevent US manufacturing from being practical, Mr. Lipscomb instead recommends that "the federal government could convene a nation-wide 90-day Internet and live town hall brainstorming session where every citizen from every walk of life could contribute ideas for turning this situation around." Meaningless pandering, in the true fashion of the political Left, and the perfect forum for Wal-Mart haters everywhere to unite!

This book is an excellent read which opens peoples eyes to the problems we have in our country which is the trade and energy balance and shows people the way us consumers can make a difference and create jobs by supporting American Made Products. This book changed my life cause before I read it I was frustrated about how much debt we have thanks to the trade imbalance and upset that Walmart and others who import a lot of junk from China were putting people out of work and putting us into more debt and I felt like there was nothing I could do about it but after reading the book I felt empowered and real patriotic because now I know I can make a difference with my buying power by supporting only the companies that make stuff in the USA which will make our economy stronger. Free trade is a lie and the only thing that's free about it is all the free money we give to China and I say free cause its not like we get anything valuable in return. All we get is a bunch of poorly made garbage. It's like China thinks we are one big garbage can where they can dump all their crap on.To people who are parents I say if your son or daughter told you they wanted to work in a place where the air and water was polluted and there was no worker or safety laws and the pay was very low and freedom of expression was forbidden would you let them work there? If the answer is no then remember that China uses Child labor so next time you are thinking about buying something from China think if I wouldn't allow my kid or daughter to work under those conditions then I shouldn't support a country that does allow that with my money. .I am glad I read this book cause this book showed me I can make a difference every time I go to make a purchase and make real lasting change in our country so all in all it was a very good read!

I just put this down after only 30 pages or so and I don't think I'll pick it up again. The constant references to the author's online store that specializes in made in the USA products is just too distracting. More than distracting... Its annoying. This thing feels like its sole purpose is to drive traffic to his site. I suspect some of the positive reviewers are paid shills.

Excellent explanation of how the U.S. got here and what can be done about it. Nice presentation of the service economy myth and why a thriving manufacturing base is critical. Best overview of the unfair advantage other countries hold that I've read. The author's engaging style makes it easy to read and understand the concepts presented and his enthusiasm for the subject is infectious. In fact, since reading the book, I've signed up to receive his newsletters in my in box and they have prodded me to sign online petitions and become more engaged in urging our elected representatives to do more on the issue of knock-offs, counterfeit products, unfair trade and a host of related issues. Interesting "Heroes of our USA" sidebars are provided throughout the book highlighting companies that are making a difference by providing American jobs and contributing back to our communities. If' you want to learn more about this subject from a passionate voice, you can't do better than this well reasoned and researched book. Joe Allen's praise for the book (back cover) said it best: "in the past quarter century, America has turned to seeking profit at any cost thanks to the greed of many of our multinational corporations." Nearly half of the book is focused on what can--and should--be done by our government, our companies and ourselves.

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Re-Made in the USA: How We Can Restore Jobs, Retool Manufacturing, and Compete With the World, by Todd Lipscomb PDF

Re-Made in the USA: How We Can Restore Jobs, Retool Manufacturing, and Compete With the World, by Todd Lipscomb PDF

Re-Made in the USA: How We Can Restore Jobs, Retool Manufacturing, and Compete With the World, by Todd Lipscomb PDF
Re-Made in the USA: How We Can Restore Jobs, Retool Manufacturing, and Compete With the World, by Todd Lipscomb PDF

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